Lucy Stimpson-Maynard

The very first one!

The very first Mustard Seed Song concert was presented by Lucy Stimpson on October 27th 1998. It was a private occasion to celebrate the 90th birthday of Reverend Robert Milliken, the father of Bob Milliken who is Head of RE at Crofton School in which Ken Shearsmith was Head of PE. It was Reverend Milliken that led Ken to faith. Reverend Milliken and his wife Ivy had been missionaries in Africa and France. Their story is told in the book "With Hearts On Fire."

The concert was held in the Drama room of Crofton School and was attended by Reverend Milliken, Bob and Bob's sister, Joy who was visiting from America. Reverend Milliken knew all the songs because Ken had sung them to him, but it was the first time that he had heard Lucy Stimpson sing.

Other concerts followed at Holy Rood Church, Stubbington with Lucy accompanied by the Mustard Seed Girls’ Choir

Concerts were then held further afield and included St Mary's Church Porchester and Hereford Cathedral

See our concerts page for more images and posters

© 2025 Mustard Seed Songs is a registered Charity No. 1077618.